Sunday, July 26, 2020

Apologies for the silence

You may notice a gap in time between my last post and this, and you may even be asking yourself, "why?".

The answer is simple, google. Firstly, for some reason my log-in stopped working and despite several messages to the human-less hosting platform I was unable to regain access. What was strange about this is that I have an email account just for this blog and for messages from the blog which uses the same password and I was still able to access that.

So I left it alone for a while, and then tried again recently using the same log-in credentials which had previously failed and this time I was able to gain access. The only change is that my original laptop was stolen, it ran Windows 7, and I am now using a hand-me-down Chromebook, running Chrome. I am not suggesting any kind of conspiracy, but it is an interesting coincidence.

I will try again to post every few days and at some point, I plan to set up a new site over which I hope to have more conrol.

I will post about what I find interesting or things which I think could be usefully discussed and which may not be my personal opinion, so please comment, ask questions and suggest topics and as always, please discuss the message and not the messenger!!

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