Sometimes "the algorithm" sends me strange suggestions and this* is one of them. However, it resonated with me because I experienced something similar so (a) we can't rely on what we are told we can rely on and (b), as every teacher will tell you, a single evaluation (aka "high stakes testing") does not provide a complete or even an accurate picture.
Thoughts of a veteran teacher and administrator on subjects from teaching and learning to curriculum to school governance to life as we know it.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Inspections and evaluations
The importance of entry-level programming
Now that I am (kind of) retired, I have begun doing some consulting and I have the luxury of being able to choose projects which I find of interest. So the other day I began a short series of methodology-linked sessions with lower elementary teachers at a nearby public charter school group. It was interesting.
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Calculating the cost of childcare
I must say that I am happy the cost of childcare is being at least tangentially discussed at the highest national political levels. Having been involved in the setting program fees for many many years, I would like to add my two cents to the debate. I should point out that my involvement was always in Preschool, ie the lowest ages in school programs, and not childcare which did affect what was done and thus costs and thus fees to parents.