Thursday, May 9, 2024

School red in the face over "blackface"

I was just sent an articele about a recent settlement involving a California non-public school (below) and I must confess that I had missed the original story. I must also say that I find the original decision appalling and think that the principal should have been fired, and the Board receive mandatory training for appointing and then supporting her.

I understand the school's need to act in the face of discriminatory or offensive behavior, and the school's need to be seen to have acted. However, several things here are just wrong.

The original allegation was taken at face value and not investigated.

The students involved were not interviewed, their sides of the story were not heard and the the story was not investigated.

One person made the disciplinary decision, and appears not have followed a proper policy if indeed such a policy exists.

The students appear not to have any right to appeal.

The principal promised confidentiality and then went back on her word.

Any one of these should give pause. But so many?

This case shows why clear and simple Policies and Procedures are essential, as is their application thereof. And from what I can see, this is how the jury ruled rather than on the right or wrong of the original decision.  

"according to the attorneys ... this is the first time the doctrine [of fair procedure or due process] has been applied to a private secondary school."

As I said, Board training and Principal dismissal. And I hope the original "crime" has been erased and will not follow the young men for the rest of their lives.

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