Sunday, August 11, 2024

Buy me a coffee

I was contacted recently by a parent asking me if I could tutor her son. I asked a few questions and what seemed to be needed was a mix of homework support, remediation and building self-confidence. I suggested we meet for an initial session where I could assess (approximately) his levels, and he could see if he liked me and  my approach. Then, she said that any sessions must be in-person.

She had been fine with my hourly rate, and at this point I added that if sessions were not online, she must also pay my traveling time and expenses. Alternatively, we could meet at a coffee-shop near my house where I would not charge for travel. However, she would have to buy me a coffee. In other words, she would have to pay the coffee-shop for the use of their space, heating, lighting, restroom and so on.

That was a bridge too far for this mother. Paying the coffee shop for the use of their space by buying a coffee was one straw too many so she ended our communications. I don't know which is worse - her thinking we could in effect temporarily seize the coffee provider's assets, or that I should effectively pay to tutor her son. 

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