Sunday, June 16, 2024

I'm glad I'm no ionger a principal

A former colleague of mine is a principal in a small PK - 12 independent school and she is in a bit of a pickle. Last week, she received a demand letter from a group of parents which in and of itself is not unusual and the school's typical response is along the lines of, "this is our Mission" and "this is what we do" and "it's a free market and you have other options". What was unusual was that later the same day, she received another demand letter from another group of parents insisting on exactly the opposite. So any action, including no action, would inevitably be regarded by one group as favoring the other,

The underlying issue is of course related to what is happening in the Middle East. The first group of Jewish parents demanded a very one-sided portrayal of the events in Israel and of Palestinians (all Palestinians in fact). that Israel be presented as innocent, undeserving victims of entirely unprovoked, blood-thirsty, almost demonic, savagery. Anything else, and any attempt at a middle road or suggesting a negotiated peace, would be nothing short of antisemitism and deserving of unspecified retaliation.

The second group representing Muslim, Christian and undeclared parents insisted that any discussion of the events in Israel and Palestine be balanced by equal treatment and similar perspectives or balance. Specifically, the region's history of Israel being calculated monsters dishing out entirely unprovoked, blood-thirsty, almost demonic, savagery. Anything else, and any attempt at a middle road or suggesting a negotiated peace, would be nothing short of anti-islamic and deserving of unspecified retaliation.

The second letter noted that for many years, the school had included The Diary of Anne Frank and Elie Wiesel's Night in its literature programme. Equal time to pro-Palestinian and/or pro-Islamic perspectives and experiences must be granted.

This is of course the aforementioned pickle. Should my erstwhile colleague listen to either group is not the headscratcher. It's the books. Continuing to include them = problem, Not continuing to include them = problem, Adding "balance" = problem. 

I did my best to listen empathetically, but I can see no solution to this conundrum. All I can say is that I'm glad I'm no ionger a principal. 

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